• Insurance claims are submitted through billing program. All payments, such as copays, are paid through the secure client portal. I accept all major credit cards.

  • Success is measured by an increase in self-confidence in your ability to face and overcome the challenges in your life. By learning to pay more attention to your inner self, you will be more equipped to notice and maintain the changes that are happening.

  • You will see improvement in your perception and in your relationships. You will feel more in control of your emotions, rather than having your emotions steal the show.

  • I am open for sessions Tuesdays-Fridays from 1800-2100 and on Saturdays from 0900-1700 Central Time. Sessions can be 30, 45, 60 minutes. Requests for appointments can be emailed to me at charleskinglmft@gmail.com or sent as a text message to 385.204.4411. A reply will typically happen within 24 business hours, and a session can typically be scheduled within 10 days.

  • All initial scheduling requests must be sent through email or text. At that time I will reply with upcoming availability options to see what works best with your schedule. For follow-up appointments, they can be set up as recurring at the time of the initial appointment or scheduled at the end of the current session. You can also contact me directly to request an appointment, or cancel/change an existing appointment.

  • All that we talk about during a session is confidential and protected by law. The same is true of all personal identifying information (PII), and all records kept. Any sharing of this information must be reviewed with and authorized by you, with the exception of imminent danger to yourself or others, suspected abuse of a child or dependent adult, or if presented with a qualifying court order.

  • You are not required to talk about anything. Therapy is for you, and I am here to help you get what it is that you need out of it.

  • I will do my best to regulate my own emotions, and to be present in our sessions. Covering the same things over and over isn't a bad thing, after all, practice makes us proficient. The goal is to improve, even if it is one small step at a time.

  • I am required by law to keep a record of our sessions for 7 years. It is stored on a secure server.